STAT 545A Collaborative Project: Milestone 3

Deadline: Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 23:59 PST

Points: 30

Troubleshooting Document


Before starting the troubleshooting document, you will need to following packages pre-installed if you don’t have them already.


You will also have to make sure that dplyr >= 1.0.0


Note: Errors from not installing the above packages do not count as errors in the troubleshooting document.

Getting the Document

The troubleshooting document will be distributed to you in the form of a pull request. Shortly, you should see a pull request in your collaborative-ELEMENT repo. Merge that pull request and you should have a directory milestone3, with a TBD3.Rmd file within it.


In this troubleshooting document, there are ten exercises. Each student must create at least one pull request containing their work, and each student must merge another teammate’s pull reqest (the person making the pull request should not merge their own pull request). When you make your pull request, be sure to comment on what changes the pull request includes, at a high level (do not include highly detailed explanations – that’s what the commit history is for). Note that, if your pull request would result in a merge conflict, it’s up to you to fix the merge conflict before it gets merged.


As specified on our course website.

  • Troubleshooting Document: 15 points
    • Each error is worth 1.5 points (1.5 x 10 = 15 pts)
  • Pull requests: 10 points
    • Each student must create at least one pull request.
      • 3 points for creating the pull requests.
      • 2 points for commentary in the pull request (title + explanation in the comment box).
      • 5 points for merging the pull request.
  • Repo organization: 5 points
    • README (2 pts)
    • File organization: no duplicate files, subfolder for each milestone… (2 pts)
    • Issues: resolved & closed (1 pts)

GRAND TOTAL: 30 points

Submitting this Milestone

To submit this Milestone, you’ll be tagging a release on your GitHub repository, and submitting a link to that release on canvas.

How to tag a release:

  1. Navigate to the main page (root) of your collaborative GitHub repository.
  2. There should be a small link on the right-hand-side of your page that says “Create a new release”. Click that.
  • You might also be able to get to the same place by clicking on the “tags” link beside where your branches are listed.
  1. For the tag version, put m3.0
  2. Choose a release title and description (this is less important).
  3. Do not check off “This is a pre-release”.
  4. Click “Publish Release”.
  5. Put a link to that release as a submission on the Collaborative Project Milestone 2
  • You won’t lose marks for not doing this, but it would really help us out if you do this! Thank you!

Tagging another release:

If you want to change your submission after tagging a release, you can still do this if it’s before the deadline. Just increase the secondary version number by one – so, make the tag version m3.1, then m3.2, etc.