This is a compilation of general resources for getting started with R and R studio and exploring the diverse functionalities of the R ecosystem. Take a look!
- Getting started with R in videos.
- A list of R vocabulary by Hadley Wickham that goes through the basic functions you need to know to be fluent in R.
- The here package has to be amongst the top 10 best things to ever happen in R - in short, it will save you from broken file paths. More on how to use it.
- On the note of making your life in R easier, here is essential advice on why you should never save your workspace in R.
- Cheatsheets will be your best friend in R.
- Swirl tutorials to learn R in RStudio (without fear!).
- All the ins and outs of doing data science in R are in the R for Data Science book.
- Hadley Wickham’s Advanced R for intermediate R users that want to dive deeper into the language.
- When you’re ready to turn your code into an package, the R packages book will be there for you.
- Don’t R alone! A guide to tools for collaborating with R.
- Have an R question? Stack Overflow is the place to ask.
One last thing
The R universe is permanently expanding, and with so many awesome people contributing to create new packages & resources, it’s hard to keep up with everything that is going on. To find out what’s happening in R, here are a few things that you can do:
Follow the “#rstats” feed on Twitter! You’ll find fantastic accounts to follow, and with an ever flowing source of information, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll learn something new pretty often.
Not on social media? Not to worry. Maelle Salmon collected several different ways to keep up with R news, some through social media, but also through podcasts The R podcast and newsletters such as R Weekly.
Thanks to Icíar Fernández Boyano for gathering this list from past STAT 545 iterations.